What documents do I need for ILR?

 Having lived in the UK for more than 5 or 10 years opens a route to applying for Indefinite leave to remain or simply ILR. With an ILR UK, an individual can stay for an indefinite time, work, study and enjoy life in the UK unrestricted. If you are a European citizen and are living in the UK as of 31st December 2020, then you can continue your stay until June 2021. In other cases, any applicant applying from January 2021 needs a visa.

The ILR UK depends upon the visa you hold and the time duration of your stay in the UK before applying, which is generally 5 or 10 years. 

Set(M) or Set(O) forms are required for application. A careful consideration is made in collecting the documents, current visa, workers visa as per new and old points-based system, document to show if the applicant is absent from the UK, proof of passing life in the UK test and Proof of English proficiency is a must.


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